




Holly Clarke

Chair of the Women’s Impact Network EMEA Starbucks
Ann Hiatt was a favorite speaker in our Starbuck’s Women Impact Network EMEA events. Her presentation was full of incredible stories from her work with foundational tech companies and legendary entrepreneurs that entertained as much as they educated and inspired. She presented us with a full playbook of best practices that left our team with a renewed enthusiasm and intrapreneurial spirit that is still thriving today. We look forward to welcoming her back in the future.

Dr. Jochen Wallisch – Siemens

Executive Vice President Human Resources Siemens

Ann Hiatt’s keynote speech at our Siemens training event brought together her 15 years of experience, memorable stories and key business insights from Silicon Valley and interpreted these lessons for our participants. Every attendee left the conference with enthusiasm and actionable steps to increase their impact.

The group was highly satisfied about her talk so that we immediately booked her to return in a few months. We look forward to our cooperation in the future!

Jeanine Moiton

Events Programming Manager Meetup

Ann participated in a Meetup Live event to discuss how to lead your career with purpose. She provided tangible advice that the audience was able to learn from and easily implement in their  journey. Ann’s easy going nature paired with the many powerful anecdotes she shared from her personal journey made her relatable and resonated with the audience . Needless to say, the event was a huge success and we can’t wait to partner with her again. On a personal level, I can’t wait to apply all of the valuable nuggets she shared to my career path!

Leah Bitterman

Leadership Association at Lockheed Martin

Ann Hiatt’s seminar for the Lockheed Martin Leadership Association displayed her Silicon Valley experience with lessons learned applicable across multiple organizations. Her knowledge of the technical industry, leadership skills, and organizational behavior was eagerly absorbed. Ann’s ability to engage an audience through a virtual speaking event came with poise and ease. Ann’s enthusiasm and passion for sharing her methodology of goal setting and having an intrapreneurial mindset was inspiring to all.

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